Sustainable Relationship with Pangea Organics
Pangea Organics’ founder Joshua came out and took part in a seaweed harvest last summer. We have partnered with Pangea Organics for many years and … Read more
Pangea Organics’ founder Joshua came out and took part in a seaweed harvest last summer. We have partnered with Pangea Organics for many years and … Read more
Mushrooms and other fungi are more closely related to us than to green plants. Because we are so closely related, fungi catch many of the same infectious diseases as humans. Interestingly, the substances that fungi make to protect themselves can protect us as well.
In general, fungal fruiting body products are superior to mycelium products. Most mycelium products consist largely of grain. And, because there are almost no fungal labelling laws in the USA, these inferior products are often marketed as “medicinal mushrooms”. Let the buyer beware!
Did you know that there are about 14,000 identified species of mushrooms in the world? And that this is probably only a fraction of the number of unknown species out there? Many of these species of mushrooms are edible… and many are definitely not!
People often ask us, “What is the difference between Sea Moss, Irish Moss, and Gigartina?” There is much confusion about these red seaweeds’ common and Latin names and their similarities and differences. In fact, sometimes even the people that sell them do not know the difference! We will attempt to clarify this matter…
“Fortunately, we have no high-seas adventure stories to tell this year.” We are done with our 2020 seaweed harvest! After taking some time to reflect, James summarized the … Read more
Seaweed baths have been used to enhance health and beauty for at least a hundred years. Today, seaweed baths are offered at high-end spas all around the world. A relaxing seaweed bath can soothe sore muscles and makes your skin feel great! It can also speed the healing of sprains and bruises, and is often beneficial for arthritis and tendonitis.
In our January 2020 newsletter, save 20% on Reishi, Kombu and select herbal extract formulas. Also, learn how to make a nourishing broth with Kombu and Reishi.
FREE 1 ounce Kelp Fronds with every orderand save 10% on all Kelp Fronds. Sale ends August 26, 2019 SHOP NOW The Kelp Fronds harvest … Read more
Please enjoy this wide-ranging conversation between Naturespirit co-founder James Jungwirth and John Gallagher of Herb Mentor Radio and Learning Herbs.